The Melrose Cultural Council (MCC) supports programs with public benefit that promote excellence, education, cultural diversity, inclusion, and racial equity to foster a rich and vibrant cultural life in Melrose.
We fund programs across all arts disciplines – visual arts, music, drama, dance, writing; projects in the humanities, history, local culture, interpretive sciences. Events can include concerts,theater and dance performances, artists-in-residencies, poetry slams, festivals, workshops, exhibits, public art, murals and installations.
We give financial support to a variety of projects that collectively appeal to residents and cultures of our community — reaching adults of all ages, youth, children, families and seniors. The Melrose Cultural Council welcomes applications that reflect diversity of race, gender expression, gender identity, sexual identity, ability, religion, age, education, national origin, citizenship, and ethnicity.
In September 2024, Mayor Grigoraitis and the MCC announced that the Melrose Messina Fund for the Arts (MMFA), a City of Melrose-funded account administered by mayoral appointees, would be incorporated into the MCC. To learn more about this merger and MMFA, please visit the Messina page.
Our 2025 Priorities
Our 2025 priorities are informed by a community outreach survey conducted by the MCC.
We are actively encouraging applications that address inclusion, diversity and equity.
We hope to elevate the voices and experiences of historically underrepresented groups that reflect and highlight the current and historic diversity of Melrose residents in an authentic way, through arts and culture, including projects that speak to the experience of Massachusetts artists and audiences who identify as BIPOC, Latinx, LGBTQIA, immigrant, or live with disabilities.
Priority will be given to projects that build community through social connections and dialogue.
Proposals for innovative ideas, collaborations, and new initiatives are encouraged.
Proposals for free public events and activities in outdoor spaces are favorably welcomed.
Priority is given to applications from Melrose organizations, individuals, and organizers.
We encourage first-time applicants.
The Melrose Cultural Council believes we can support our local artists AND introduce residents to new and exciting creative works!
2024 Survey Results:
The results below are from our annual community survey, last conducted in June 2024
We received many responses to our open-ended question asking: Why did you agree or disagree with the following statements?: I feel connected to Melrose through the arts and cultural activities in Melrose, There is a diverse range of cultural offerings in Melrose, There is a diverse range of cultural offerings in Melrose. The word cloud below represents trends in the responses we received.
Demographic Information
Do you identify as any of the following? 96.3% White | 1.9% Asian | 1.9% Hispanic or Latino/a/x/e | 1% Middle Eastern, North African, or Arab American | 1% Black or African American
How do you identify your gender? 78.2% Female | 20% Male | 0.9% Nonbinary
How old are you? 18-24: 0.9% | 25-34: 3.6% | 35-44: 15.3% | 45-54: 29.7% | 55-64: 19.8% | 65-74: 19.8% | 75-84: 9% | 85-94: 0.9%
We always welcome your feedback and creative ideas! Please reach out at: melrosecultural@gmail.com